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Do you ship to my country?
Yes. We proudly ship worldwide 🗺️
Plus you get free shipment tracking 📦
See the next question for detailed shipping times.
How long until I receive my order?
We have handpicked our suppliers to ensure the fastest shipping possible 🛫
It depends on where you are in the world!
Here are our estimates ⌛
United States 7 - 21 days
Canada 7 - 21 days
Europe 9 - 21 days
Oceania 9 - 21 days
South-East Asia 9 - 21 days
Other 14 - 35 days
Where is my order?
Once your order has been shipped, you’ll receive a tracking number via email. Note, it can take up to 7 days for shipping activity to update.
You already have your tracking number? Here you can track your order 📌
Can I return my item?
Of course. We offer a 30 day Money Back Guarantee!
If you aren’t 100% satisfied with your item, or received faulty goods, simply email us:
Please include the email address associated with the order and describe the issue, include photos or videos if possible. We aim to respond in 3 days or less!
Can I change my order?
Sure! You can change your order within 12 hours of confirmation. Please contact us with your name and order number at:
After 12 hours, your order will have been processed and we won’t be able to make any changes to it.
What payment methods do you offer?
American Express
Apple Pay
Google Pay
Shop Pay
All payments are securely processed 🛡️
Do you offer promotions?
We do! In fact you just found one! Here is your discount code for an additional 10% OFF your next order! Code: FAQ ✨
Make sure to subscribe to our email in the section below to profit from more discounts!
Do I need to pay import duties?
Some packages may be subject to import duties depending on the country of receipt 🛬
Please note, due to new EU VAT rules, there may be increased duty to pay on packages arriving to EU member states.